Embassy of the United States i Freetown

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Freetown, Sierra Leone
Kontakter telefon: +232 99 105500
Latitude: 8.4517081, Longitude: -13.2298476
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Kommentar 5

  • Vandy Kortu Gbawoh Mansaray

    Vandy Kortu Gbawoh Mansaray


    Very simple and direct

  • Amie



    I have no idea why anyone will rate the US Embassy in Freetown anything more than a zero. The people there are not doing their jobs. Write to them, you don't even get an automated response and when they do reply (i.e. if they do reply) it's usually for or 5 months later. Try calling them, the lines are constantly busy or they tell you to leave a message, which I doubt anyone listens to. They treat local people in Sierra Leone as if they are insignificant. I pray I never needed anything from them because I will suffer or dead before they even know what's happening. The WORSE service in any US offices.

  • The Law Office of Dr Curtis FJ Doebbler

    The Law Office of Dr Curtis FJ Doebbler


    Refused to provide me a new passport when my passport pages were full causing me significant inconvenience and even placing an American citizen in danger.

  • elias umar bah

    elias umar bah


    great sitr

  • Abraham John

    Abraham John


    Great sitr

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