Roy Hotel & Restaurant i Freetown

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Lumley Beach Road, Freetown, Western Area Urban, SL Sierra Leone
Kontakter telefon: +232 79 655677
Latitude: 8.4795829, Longitude: -13.2849813
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Kommentar 5

  • fabienne soliman

    fabienne soliman


    Belle terrasse sur la plage, sympa pour une bière ou un snack sur le pouce.

  • Jason Houdek

    Jason Houdek


    This place is a staple for evening drinks. Both the two-story patio and the beach deck are great for relaxing with friends over a few beers and bites. They've got Star on draft and a variety of cocktails. The menu is somewhat hit-or-miss, but they serve everything from Salone favorites like cassava leaves to lobster thermidor.

  • Shekhar k

    Shekhar k


    Good place to have food but while giving order please explain what u want because they have beef in egg berger that's why before order ask what thing they r going to use. This place take long time to get food if u r in hurry then not recommend if u have time then go and spend time . Most recommend outdoor seating sea faceing dining court they have must try that in evening for romantic dinner .

  • paul miller

    paul miller


    Great dinner Great service Great Owner...making the stay in freetown a bit better.

  • Essence Essence

    Essence Essence


    I've had 2 extended stays in the hotel now. The rooms are a great size and those overlooking the beach provide a fantasic platform to soak up the atmosphere. Cleaning staff were excellent. The hotel staff were always helpful and both food and drinks are reasonably priced. This hotel is the pefect place to stay if you enjoy sitting and watching the sun go down.

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